This is the original “The Drag Series” content - a series of numbered portraits of drag artists against a simple white background.
The Drag Series is a photography project that started in May/2016 dedicated to capturing and celebrating queer culture through portraits of drag performers. In each image, the drag artists take center stage against a simple white background, giving them a blank canvas to express their unique identities and personalities.
This project started in Recife, Brazil's northeastern hub, mainly featuring local artists. It has now moved to Vancouver, Canada, where it's been running for 8 years. The Drag Series has also been featured in popular media outlets like Vogue Magazine, Glamour Magazine, Out Magazine and The Independent.
The project's initial concept was to act as a “catalogue of drag”, traveling to different cities and countries to photograph drag artists that represented the essence of each local scene. Over time, this idea expanded towards more creative and editorial photoshoots, encompassing not only portraits against a white backdrops. Visit some other galleries below:
Over 350 queens from 45+ cities and 4 countries were photographed for this project.
And the gallery is always growing!
View the gallery below or visit our Instagram!